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Co-hosting North Sea Decarbonisation Conference

مايو 14, 2021
Co-hosting North Sea Decarbonisation Conference

On Wednesday, 12 May 2021, our East Hemisphere Vice President Fabrizio Fabbri co-hosted Energy Industry Council’s (EIC) ‘Waste to X’ session at their North Sea Decarbonisation Conference.

The conference was a two and a half day live virtual E-vent exploring the role in shaping the North Sea’s journey to net zero.

Fabrizio gave an overview of EthosEnergy’s value add solutions to address the key drivers for Energy from Waste (EfW) plants and how EthosEnergy is applying Environmental Social Governance (ESG) across all its offerings to customers.

Fabrizio’s presentation led to great discussions with the audience on how we can approach ESG and how we apply this to everything we do as a company.

In addition, there were further discussions on EthosEnergy’s advanced techniques to improve the design of steam turbine blades within this market, allowing EfW plants to increase efficiency, run longer and reduce emissions.

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