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EthosEnergy Exhibit at Geothermal Rising Conference (GRC) 2023

12:00 01 Oktober 2023
12:00 04 Oktober 2023
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EthosEnergy Exhibit at Geothermal Rising Conference (GRC) 2023

Geothermal Rising Conference 2023 - Peppermill Resort Spa Casino, Reno, Nevada

The Geothermal Rising Conference (GRC) is the geothermal industry’s flagship annual conference, reflecting the global nature of the geothermal industry and bringing together people in industry, academia, government, and the general public. Here we build relationships, discuss our opportunities and challenges, educate on the latest technologies and innovations, and inform people outside our community about geothermal energy. 

EthosEnergy will be exhibiting at booth 443, where you can find Reza Akhavain and Don Leger discussing industrial steam turbines.


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