Reducing your downtime
From small repairs to individual static and rotating assemblies, or zero-time overhaul of the gas generator and power turbine, our overhaul facilities have been providing individual work scoping for your specific needs for 35 years.
The decision to fit replacement parts and execute repair schemes is always your call.
Specialist shipping containers are available to ensure equipment is delivered ready for immediate disposition.
Containers are then used to return the overhauled equipment, maintaining the same customer property (VIN) as part of the overhaul transaction.
Gas generator and power turbine installation kits are optional with the supply of the overhauled assembly.
Tailored to your requirements
Exchange gas generators are available for TB and Typhoon, and for Tornado products with power turbines for TB and Tornado off-the-shelf to support your urgent requirements but can also be ordered in advance for your scheduled maintenance activities.
The gas generators are configured to suit the individual site requirement such as fuel type, combustion configuration (conventional or Dry Low Emission), instrumentation etc. and are fully performance tested at our in-house test facility using natural gas, diesel fuel or in the case of a dual fuel engine both fuels to improve fuel changeover.
Specialist shipping containers are available to ensure equipment is delivered ready for immediate installation.
Containers are then used to remove the overhauled equipment from site, becoming the property of EthosEnergy Light Turbines as part of the exchange transaction.
Gas generator and power turbine installation kits are included with the supply of the service exchange assembly as standard.
WATCH: Our overhaul facilities in Aberdeen and Houston
Stay compliant with assured testing
After every repair and/or overhaul, the gas generator and power turbine are performance load tested using gas and liquid fuel in accordance with ISO2314 and our test schedule with EELT-RD-ENG-019 which are all available on request.
Customer witness tests are welcomed and remote witness test monitoring via the Internet is available.
Power turbines for the TB and Tornado gas turbines are also available and can be performance tested with an exchange gas generator if required to prove the performance of the matched gas generator and power turbine.
Lease engines can reduce your costs
Because downtime is costly, our lease engines offer you greater flexibility with your asset overhaul options, and because the decision to fit a lease engine and execute repair schemes is your call, you're always in control.
Real results on gas turbines
A broad portfolio of work with real-life examples showing increased reliability, increased output, and industry leading quality.