10 years of O&M solutions for SMUD
Reduce Maintenance Spend
Increase Power Output
Heavy Gas Turbines
Operations and Maintenance
Sacramento, USA
caseStudy |
70,000 MW per year increase via ECOMAX®
Increase Power Output
Reduce Maintenance Spend
Plaquemine Parish, Louisiana, United States
caseStudy |
Breaking New Ground at Guernsey Power Station
Reduce Forced Outage Rate
Increase reliability
Reduce Maintenance Spend
Reduce Downtime
Operations and Maintenance
Byesville, Ohio, US
caseStudy |
Chlorine compressor upgrade
Reduce Maintenance Spend
Increase Power Output
Life Extension
Hengelo , Netherlands
caseStudy |
Complete generator stator rewinding
Life Extension
Increase Power Output
Caracas, Venezuela
caseStudy |
Double major outage in record time
Improving Efficiency
Increase Power Output
Reduce Operating Costs
Steam Turbines
Balochistan, Pakistan
caseStudy |
Dry gas seal system optimization - outboard seal backpressure stabilization
caseStudy |
ECOMAX® premieres in MENA
Reduce Forced Outage Rate
Reduce Maintenance Spend
Turkey, MEA
caseStudy |
Emergency turbine work impresses specialty chemicals client
Northwest, Italy
caseStudy |
EthosEnergy partners with SWM during the life of its assets and beyond
Improving Efficiency
Integrating ESG best practices into on-going asset management processes
Munich, Germany
caseStudy |
Extended parts life solution Alstom GT11D gas turbine
Life Extension
Increase Power Output
caseStudy |
Fast resolution for a 10 MW steam turbine forced outage
Reduce Forced Outage Rate
Improving Efficiency
Steam Turbines
The Caribbean, Americas
caseStudy |
First Frame 6B Phoenix Rotors™ still going strong
California, United States
caseStudy |
First Solar® gas compressor repair
Increased Performance
Reduced Outage
Abu Dhabi, Unied Arab Emirates
caseStudy |
Gas turbine innovative component solutions
Reduce Forced Outage Rate
Reduce Maintenance Spend
USA, North America
caseStudy |
Gas turbine leaking flange repair
Increase Power Output
Decrease Heat Rate
Life Extension
caseStudy |
Gas turbine rotor overhaul
caseStudy |
Gas turbines down at 3 different plants
Reduce Forced Outage Rate
Northern and eastern, US
caseStudy |
Generator manufacturing for Loviisa Nuclear Power Plant
Increase Power Output
Reduce Maintenance Spend
Loviisa, Finland
caseStudy |
Geothermal steam turbine retrofit
Increase Steam Production
Life Extension
Increase Power Output
Tiwi, Philippines
caseStudy |
GS Power Bucheon retrofit project
Increase Steam Production
Life Extension
Bucheon, South Korea
caseStudy |
Helping to safeguard Poland’s electric power system
Increase reliability
Improve national energy safety
caseStudy |
Impeller failure compressors
Poland, Europe
caseStudy |
KTR-EthosEnergy turnaround completion
Reduce Maintenance Spend
Emissions Reduction
Heavy Gas Turbines
Field Services
Kashagan, Kazakhstan
caseStudy |
Laser tracker - real time thermal analysis
Increase Power Output
Increase Steam Production
Steam Turbines
Field Services
USA, North America
caseStudy |
Life Extension on TG16 Gas Turbine
Life Extension
Reduce Forced Outage Rate
Reduce Maintenance Spend
Southeast, USA
caseStudy |
LM6000 controls retrofit for peaking facilities
Increase Power Output
Reduce Forced Outage Rate
Southeast Texas, USA
caseStudy |
LTSA at Israeli power plant
Reduce Maintenance Spend
Reduce Forced Outage Rate
Increase Power Output
Life Extension
Israel, Middle East
caseStudy |
Maintenance services for gas turbines
Reduce Maintenance Spend
Reduce Forced Outage Rate
California, USA
caseStudy |
Major oil & gas producer puts its trust in EthosEnergy
Increase Power Output
Reduce Maintenance Spend
Qatar, Middle East
caseStudy |
Major outages at two of Pakistan’s largest steam turbines
Improving Efficiency
Increase Power Output
Reduce Operating Costs
Steam Turbines
Punjab, Pakistan
caseStudy |
Multi-OEM gas turbine maintenance contract with SEIC
Reduce Maintenance Spend
Life Extension
Sakhalin Island, Russia
caseStudy |
Nuclear facility put its trust in EthosEnergy's blade repair procedures
Reduce Downtime
Life Extension
Reduce Operating Costs
Reduce Maintenance Spend
Eastern, Europe
caseStudy |
O&M services plus ECOMAX for Rockland Capital
Increase Power Output
Life Extension
Reduce Forced Outage Rate
Ludington, USA
caseStudy |
Partnership powers paper production propulsion
Increase Power Output
Reduce Maintenance Spend
Latin America, Latin America
caseStudy |
Peaking power plant restored to peak performance
Life Extension
Reduce Forced Outage Rate
Reduce Maintenance Spend
Louisiana, US
caseStudy |
Plant shutdown for major maintenance
Reduce Maintenance Spend
Reduce Forced Outage Rate
Operations and Maintenance
Steam Turbines
caseStudy |
Power generation through a perfect storm
Reduce Forced Outage Rate
Increase reliability
Increase Power Output
East Texas, US
caseStudy |
Reduced outage and costs on a D-11 steam turbine
Reduce Maintenance Spend
Reduce Forced Outage Rate
Increase Steam Production
Life Extension
Southeast, USA
caseStudy |
Regenerating a refinery cogen’s Frame 7EA rotors
Gulf Coast, United States
caseStudy |
Reliable life extension of critical aging assets
Life Extension
Reduce Maintenance Spend
Texas, United States
caseStudy |
Replacement of end-of-life compressor
Life Extension
Increase Power Output
Hengelo, Netherlands
caseStudy |
Specialist weld repair of a D11 L-0 turbine blade
Texas, US
caseStudy |
Supporting ESG efforts within our O&M Portfolio
Integrating ESG best practices into on-going asset management processes
Providing detailed reporting to investors and stakeholders on ESG performance
Operations and Maintenance
United States
caseStudy |
Taurus™ 60 Gas Turbine – Horsepower Upgrade
Reduce Maintenance Spend
Reduce Forced Outage Rate
Increase Power Output
Life Extension
California, USA
caseStudy |
Turnkey O&M for Caithness Moxie Freedom
Reduce Maintenance Spend
Increase Power Output
Heavy Gas Turbines
Operations and Maintenance
Luzerne County, Pennsylvania
caseStudy |
Turnkey water injection upgrade on frame 9EA units
caseStudy |
Uncovering hidden issues with a Thermal Performance Audit
Decrease Heat Rate
Increase Power Output
Increase Steam Production
Heavy Gas Turbines
Steam Turbines
Midwest, US
caseStudy |
Versatility saves €11m in GE Frame 6FA gas turbine overhaul
Life Extension
Reduce Maintenance Spend
France, Europe
caseStudy |