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Double major outage in record time

  • Improving Efficiency
  • Increase Power Output
  • Reduce Operating Costs
  • Power generation
  • Steam Turbines
  • Generators
Balochistan, Pakistan
Double major outage in record time

The Challenge

A race against the clock

Our client needed us to perform not one but two major outages – a steam turbine inspection and generator repair for its Fuji Electric unit – within the tightest of timetables.

To complicate matters further, we had only six weeks to prepare.

Six weeks to arrange the tooling, cranes, grit-blasting material, and local manpower. Six weeks to obtain visas for our steam turbine and generator teams from Wroclaw and Lubliniec in Poland. Six weeks to mobilize the workforce to Uch-II Power Plant’s remote location in the Balochistan Province of Pakistan – 600 km north of Karachi and a six or seven-hour drive from the nearest airport.

Could it all be done?

The Performance

Under Pressure

Ethos faced multiple challenges towards executing this project, navigating strict timelines and client expectations. These challenges included:


The EthosEnergy Solution

We succeeded in carrying out both the steam turbine and generator major outages within the stipulated timeframe. Feedback was very positive, and our client applauded us for the speed with which we had managed to pull everything together in time to start the outage.

Our client should also be applauded. They provided us with fantastic support and cooperation throughout the project, and that teamwork was rewarded with the results that we achieved together.

Following the success of this project, we have been awarded contracts to perform other steam turbine inspections. These have been throughout the Middle East region. We have also had fruitful discussions about performing steam turbine maintenance at several other power plants owned by ENGIE.


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