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Frame 7F Gas Turbine - New Rotor Manufacturing

7F rotor manufacturing and installation from a trusted partner in power generation

Frame 7F Gas Turbine - New Rotor Manufacturing

7F rotor manufacturing and installation from a trusted partner in power generation

Unlocking new rotor options

Are you in search of an alternative for gas turbine rotor replacement? Seeking a more flexible partner to help guide you through the challenges of life extension?

EthosEnergy is an experienced gas turbine manufacturer using proven reverse engineering methods to produce replacement F-class rotors. Your rotor will be replaced with an enhanced yet fully compatible and interchangeable version of itself to ensure maximum reliability and performance. Our rotors are backed by warranty and technically and commercially tailored to fit your needs.

Scroll down to learn more about our rotor's compatibility with your existing model and how we enhanced our design. 

Reach out to our experts

Why EthosEnergy?

Flexible, tailored solution from a partner to guide you through rotor replacement

Our history as an OEM for Fiat and Mature Westinghouse gas turbines combined with being an Independent Service Provider (ISP) allows us to offer both the manufacturing capability/quality/standards of an OEM and the commercial flexibility of an ISP. 

Over the last 15 years, we have focused on the rotor market and gained extensive experience in engineering, repair, and manufacturing of components for GE B, E, and F-class units. We have successfully developed a comprehensive rotor life extension program including new rotor manufacturing and custom life extension.

Fully compatible and interchangeable

Key to our re-engineering process was the necessity to have a design that was backward compatible with original designs.  After compiling our experience in the evolution of the rotor designs, we developed a short site checklist to confirm the version of the operating rotor. Our replacement designs mix the best improvements possible while maintaining the critical geometry for compatibility.

Improved design to address known weaknesses of original design

Our engineering team applied our OEM knowledge and experience to improve rotor designs. We developed a digital-twin model for each rotor in our portfolio.  The model identified original design weaknesses that were matched to the known industry issues. 

Our design chastresse validated in the model to improve resilience to stress. The digital twin is also a key tool in evaluating rotors for life extensions. Continued validation of the model occurs with each inspection for rotor life extension.

Technical specs

EthosEnergy 7FA.03 and 7FA.04 rotors are certified for the maximum life of 144,000 Factored Fired Hours (FFH) and 5,000 Factored Fired Starts (FFS).

The design has been improved upon by EthosEnergy’s experienced gas turbine engineering team. Our proven OEM design and superior alloys are used for EthosEnergy’s Frame 7FA.03/.04 compressor and turbine rotors.

Download our product sheet

Run your GE gas turbine longer

Download our comprehensive guide to understanding rotor end-of-life issues and navigating the market
for solutions that reduce your risk and provide the most return on your investment on your frame 6B, frame 7E / EA, and frame 7F  gas turbines

Get your free copy

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